Tuesday 24 January 2012

My Letter to the Editor of Arunachal Times

Chakmas and Hajongs in Arunachal

Dear Editor,

This is in reference to the Chakma Hajong refugees in Arunachal.

The question of Chakmas from other states coming to Arunachal Pradesh for “better livelihood” does not arise. In Mizoram, Chakmas have an Autonomous District Council (ADC) established under the sixth schedule to the Constitution of India where they have political autonomy, jobs, and social security. Will the Chakmas of Mizoram having ADC of their own migrate to Arunachal Pradesh where their brethren even do not have legal status? In Tripura, Chakmas are far better off than Chakmas of Mizoram. They have been selected in Tripura Civil Service, Tripura Police Service, medical services and prospered in all fields. It is undisputable fact that Chakmas of other states as citizens of India enjoy more rights, privileges and have better economic and livelihood opportunities than their brethrens of Arunachal Pradesh. Therefore, the question of infiltration of thousands of Chakmas into Arunachal Pradesh so as to result in “abnormal increase in the population to manifolds” is out of question. It is only a figment of imagination.

It is pertinent to mention that the special survey (2011) on the Chakmas and Hajongs conducted by the state government specifically for the purpose of the High Power Joint Committee has already put to rest the popular debate on the alleged rise in their population. As per the survey, the present population of the Chakmas and Hajongs in the state is around 53,800. I do not think the figure, in 47 years, is alarming and abnormal. In fact, the decadal growth rate of the Chakmas and Hajongs has come down to about 27 percent during 2001-2011 from 31.48 per cent during the 1991-2001 census period.

Tejang Chakma
New Delhi

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